Port Placement
September 21, 2020
I had set my mind for a good day. And it truly hasn't been bad...just way more stressful than I expected. My doctor called personally at 8:30 am to let me know he wants another mammogram STAT to make sure they placed a clip locating the tumor in my right breast. I happen to know that they did because imagine that...I was there when they smashed my breast 5 minutes after the needle biopsy AND clip placement.
No go. He's requiring another. I spent an hour on the phone, then just said, "Nope." I told the nurses to get with the doc and figure it out. I am not the one who wants another mammogram, so I'm done for today.
Port placement went well. I had a funny team of friendly ladies help prep me, and the doctor is known to be one of the best...quick, neat and tidy.
If you're not familiar with what the port is used for, here's a handy link:
Rae Hill
Brenda Kellen